Before & After

Take a look at some of the success stories of our dogs that found their forever home! Over 12 years we have re-homed around 1200 lucky dogs and counting.

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Before: Elf (now Alfie) was one of a litter of five who were simply dumped as unwanted puppies when they were extremely young, and would have died had they not been rescued!

After: Alfie's adopter says "We waited two very long months for Alfie to be old enough to travel, and now he's our world. We have spent a lot of time in building his confidence and he is such a character. Can't imagine life without him now"


This is Ralph. Ralph was found in streets in Romania after someone tried to kill him and threw acid on him. He had holes on his back and lost an ear and eye. He came to foster with K-9 Angel Pola and was adopted by lovely Ursula and now lives in a picturesque village near equestrian centre in East Lancashire.


Before: Felicity (and Lady Bee) were seen after they were unloaded off one of the trucks intercepted from the meat trade. The truck was smuggling them from Thailand to Vietnam to be slaughtered. Once the truck was intercepted by local police they unloaded the dogs to a large livestock holding area.

After: Both Felicity (and Lady Bee) were puppies when K-9 Angels asked their rescuer to move them. They went to Bangkok to foster and Felicity was then adopted.


Before: This picture shows a very sorry looking Jacob at the vets in Cyprus, after being rescued from the pound. Jacob was living in kennels for eight months before being adopted. He had been burnt with cigarettes on his legs and tortured!

After: A happier picture of Jacob! His adopter says "From the day we got Jacob he has shown what a loving little dog he is and we wouldn't be without him, this is him with his brother Buddy"


Before: Sophie was rescued by K-9 Angels from the appalling Thai Meat Trade and was happily adopted three years ago.

After: Sophie has settled into her forever home in Wiltshire with her five other doggy friends. Her adopter says "Sophie is full of life and has a special place in our hearts"


Before: Monty (formerly Casper) was rescued as a pup from a graveyard in Romania, where he was spotted with an injured leg. He had been attacked by a group of larger dogs, was then rescued and taken to the vets where donations from followers helped us to support his recovery.

After: Monty was adopted just four months ago and his adopter says "he is the apple of our eyes. We love him to bits and I can't remember life before him. It is the best thing we ever did. The love he gives us back makes me smile everyday"


Before: Becci was rescued from Bresta shelter by one of K-9 Angels trustees. She nearly died from distemper after just a short exposure to the hell hole of the public shelter!

After: Becci is now two and half years old and happily living in North Wales with her friend Lara. She is a happy, loving little girl who adores her owners and is so very grateful for her comfy home.


Rita was found in a public shelter in Romania by our local rescuers and she was first mistaken for being dead. It took many weeks and resources to bring her back to good health but she eventually healed and was adopted by wonderful Hazel. She now lives a happy life in Wales.

Lady Bee

Before: Rescued with Felicity from the meat trade. The government wasn’t funding vaccines or medicine and dogs that were ‘rescued’ from Vietnamese butchers would die one by one from distemper, diseases and fights. There was no structure...

After: Adopted with Felicity once it was found out Felicity and Lady Bee were best friends as their adopters decided to adopt both of them. Both girls now have the most amazing life in the UK!'


Before: Nelson spent the first few years of his life as a street dog before ending up in an awful kill shelter in Romania. He was then rescued by K-9 Angels, and was definitely one of the lucky ones!

After: Nelson loves his new life in Wiltshire where he adores walks in the countryside, cuddles and his creature comforts. His adopter says "He is my best friend in the whole world and brings so much happiness and joy to every single day"


Before: This baby Teddy Bear was dumped in a bin and left to die with his siblings when he was only a couple of weeks old. He was rescued just in time!

After: His adopter says "I instantly fell in love when I saw his little face, and knew I had to have him. He is the best, most gentle, funny and loving dog in the world and it was the best decision I ever made getting him"


Before: Like many stray dogs, Dinks history is unknown but she was rescued after living on the streets.

After: Dinks adopter says "She is the absolute light of my life. I cannot get enough of her and everyone that meets her falls in love. My best friend in the world"


That's Emily - Emily was locked up in Targoviste public shelter and effectively on a death row. K-9 Angels Victoria and Pola visited the shelter as part of the rescue mission and found her crying and howling trying to bite through the fence. We of course couldnt leave her behind. Emily lives


Before: Katy started her life on the streets and then was caught by the dog catchers and put in a public shelter, where she spent several months before being spotted for adoption.

After: Katy's adopter says "As soon as I saw her, I knew she was the one for me and a few weeks later she was on her way. She arrived a scared girl but with time and patience and lots of love she quickly began to trust us and has blossomed into the most amazing girl that everyone falls in love with. I am so very pleased I took the leap of faith and gave her a home."


Before: Lara was rescued from the streets of Romania when just seven months old. Sadly she was the last survivor of her litter. The rest of her siblings were killed on the street, and she survived by rummaging through bins and begging for food...

After: This very happy girl is now five years old and living happily in North Wales. Lara loves playing ball and running on the beach.


Before: Ollie was a firstly a street dog, then he was rescued from a public shelter in Romania by one of our trusted rescuers. His adopter says "We saw him advertised for adoption on k-9 Angels and instantly fell in love"

After: Ollie has been adopted for several years now. His adopter says "He fits into our family just perfectly and he makes me laugh every day. I love him to bits and he has definitely found his forever home"