Will You Stand By While Hounds Die?

We would like to highlight the plight of another animal often cruelly treated and cast aside as part of fox hunting.

Every year thousands of young hounds are put through a selection process to determine whether they are for suitable for fox hunting. During this selection process at age just 5 months, when they are effectively just puppies, those puppies that fail make the grade are often destroyed!

If these young hounds are 'lucky' enough to make the grade they will usually be worked up to the age of approximately 6- 7 years (approximately half their natural life span). The hounds who become too old to 'adequately perform’ as part of the pack in the hunt field are in most cases destroyed in a variety of horrendous ways. The estimated number of hounds destroyed every year is in the region of 4000.

83% of the public believe hunting to be a cruel, totally outdated and ineffective activity. Not only because foxes are being killed and torn to pieces in a brutal manner but also because thousands of hounds bred for the sole purpose of hunting are prematurely and mercilessly executed by their "masters"
Please join the K-9 Angels and the 83% of the British nation that want to see the barbaric fox hunting a thing of the past.

Please share our campaign video, please email your MPs and urge them to make this cruel barbaric 'sport' a thing of the past forever!